I've been getting this question all week and you bet! I've got some ideas...

First I just have to say that the questions and feedback you've been sharing has been amazing! Like I said, I've been wanting to share things like this with you for a while...

I love supporting you, especially through these times...Ok so...

What's next?

Well, I don't know about you but I want to lean into these results + keep the momentum going...so I was brainstorming with ideas and here you go!

I'll be sending a link out soon that will say, "NEW YEAR GOALS CALL", I want to take a few hours over the next 2 weeks and offer complimentary goal setting calls.

These will be first come first serve. :)

Together we will go over:

  • 2022 goals

  • What's held you back + what worked this year

  • Body concerns (surgery, recovery, chronic issues, "limitations")

And then, during the call, I'll literally outline recommendations for you

I'll share what will get you the best results, tweaks you can make and give you a "lay of the land," for what it would take you get you to your goals for 2022.

You can keep this outline, and start working on it now...or save the "plan" for next year...

And yes, if you have questions re my programs or continued support, I'm happy to share details or answer questions.

Of course, I'd love to gift you all this time, but Dynamo + I plan to really relax + have a lot of "us" and "me time," as the holidays approach, so I'm going to have to have this as a as a "first come first serve" offer.

They will fill up fast, and if you find that the calendar is full, feel free to "hit reply," and I'll do my best to support you via email or put you on waiting list.

Again, these are complimentary goal setting calls, with my personal recommendations, your time to ask me questions and honestly...I'm dang excited to help you like this...

That's it for now...

Keep your eyeballs peeled for that link to book in. :)

See you soon!

P.S. - Not on the list? Just enter your name into the green box below and you’ll be sure to receive the updates on this juicy offering. :)