What's Your Why?

We’re three weeks into the New Year, how are you doing with your goals?

Maybe you’re someone who does not partake in resolutions. Still, I’m quite certain you have goals.

New Years Resolutions - Pilates with Paige

Connect To Your Why

When people sign up to work with me, I always ask them why they chose to take Pilates.

Here are the top answers, pooled from countless intake forms.

  • To look good

  • To feel good

  • To reduce pain

These answers are a what not a why.

The fitness world is results oriented, so the question “what do you want from Pilates?” is important to identify. However, it’s the deeper why that will inspire you to persevere and ultimately stay committed to reaching your goals.

I’m reminded of Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk , “Start with Why”.

Find your why - pilates with paige

Slipping and Falling and Sliding…Oh my!

Over this past holiday, I took a bad spill down a flight of stairs.

The stair was wet and before I knew what was happening, my legs went up over my head (comedy style) and I landed…first on my lower back and then hit the back of my neck (giving myself whiplash) before hitting my head on the stair behind me. The big finish…I slid on my back, down the stairs.

slipping and falling - pilates with paige - pasadena

I haven’t taken a spill like that…well, maybe ever! Even when I originally hurt my back, I didn’t go down that hard. You can read more about my backstory here.

My Dynamo witnessed my fall. His eyes were wide with horror. Later he confessed,

“I thought we were going to the hospital. I didn’t think you’d be able to get up.”

I’m grateful that I was able to walk away from that fall relatively unscathed. The whiplash is the only aftereffect that I’m healing from.

Empowered after injury - Pilates with Paige - Pasadena

No matter the outcome of my fall, I know I’m empowered to make choices that will serve in my healing. That’s the underlying why that drives my own personal practice.

The Why That Drives My Business

I’ve helped countless men and women look better, feel better, and reduce their pain.

But what really lights me up, is when one of my students walks into the studio and tells me that they fell (or have been in an accident), and they start detailing for me,

  • How they handled their body in the moment

  • What they have been doing since the accident to care for themselves

  • What they need from me

They are empowered!

pilates with paige - pasadena - offering a hand

Gone are the days of pain stealing their vitality and making them fearful victims to circumstance.

They trust that together (me, them, and Pilates) have the available resources that will support them through this challenge, and ultimately return their bodies to a healthy thriving state.

What About You?

I suspect you want to look better, feel better, and reduce your pain. You’ve heard Pilates is great for that.

What’s your why? I’d be honored if you shared your insights in the comments below.